Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good news!

I went to the dr yesterday and she said the ultrasound was fine and the placenta moved to where it should be. So it seems everything is back to normal now. I thought it would be fun to put up a picture of each of the boys from last Christmas. It is amazing how much Finn has grown and changed! He wasn't even crawling last Christmas and now he is running and climbing and saying a few words! Jamie of course is just more of the same :) just bigger! Right now he wants me to get off the computer so he can play a game! I can't believe it's almost Christmas! This time of year sure does sneak up on me :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's a girl!!!! (Pretty sure this time:)!!)

We had our 30 week ultrasound today, the doctor wanted this because my placenta was low lying at our 20 week ultrasound. I didn't see, but Jennie and Scott watched the technician typing on the screen that it was low lying still, so I guess it didn't clear itself up like the dr hoped. I'll find out more at my next appointment. It doesn't appear to be covering anything, but just lower than it should be. Which might mean I have to have a c-section. So we would appreciate your prayers for both of our health. We also are almost certain now that we are having a girl! Which works out well, since mom just brought us a bunch of girl clothes that a co-workers daughter grew out of, so that was a blessing since I am fully prepared clothes wise for a boy, but have nothing for a girl, so this was very wonderful. I am excited to get to know this new little person, since I'm sure she will be quite different from her brothers, who are also very different from each other, so we will have a very diverse household! At least we won't be bored! (Although I'm pretty sure that Jamie can accomplish this all by himself!) Yesterday he was looking for Scott's mom, calling "Oma, Oma, where are you? Oma, this not good time to play hide and seek"! He is so funny, I don't know where he hears these things from. Then tonight we were going to moms and Scott was driving and Jamie started making this annoying noise, so Scott said "Jamie" and he said "sorry daddy, me not see you there."! Like where could he have gone?! He is sooo silly sometimes we just have to laugh, even though we shouldn't! Last night was the first night this week that he hasn't come in to cuddle or something in the middle of the night, and I think it is just becuase he didn't wake up, not becuase he knew that he should stay in his bed! Oh well :)


Thanksgiving we were able to have dinner at Dad's at around 1, where Jennie, Ben, Grandma, Grandad, Dad, Amy, Emily & John were all there. We had a lot of fun, and Amy gave Jamie this cowboy hat, which kept him saying "Howdy partner", which sounds more like "Howdy pardner". So cute! Then Finn tried it on, and that was super cute, too! Jamie then went ahead and threw up on Dad's new hardwood floors. Luckily he wasn't the first to do so, so that made me feel a bit better! Then we went back home, where Scott's family was there for our second dinner, good thing we like turkey! Where Finn went ahead and threw up on our living room carpet! They sure aren't boring :) We had a very wonderful Thanksgiving and we have much to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sleeping and other stuff

Well, Jamie has decided that he doesn't want to sleep in his room anymore. Around 2:30 in the morning about a week ago he came in and wanted to sleep with us. I didn't do anything becuase I was so tired and this happened once before and he went back to his room after 1/2 an hour. So in the morning I asked him why he came to bed with us. He said "there were no people in my room and I got nervous."! I said "What about Finn?" Meaning he was a person, he said "Finn was nervous too." Of course this didn't stop him from abandoning Finn to sleep alone for the rest of the night! (And I'm assuming by Finn being nervous, that meant he was sleeping like a log when Jamie woke up since he wasn't crying) So I tried to explain, how there shouldn't be any people in his room at night except Finn. Then he told me he was bored. He is so funny, I'm really worried about when he realizes the full potential of his powers! So I told him he should be bored at 2:30 in the morning, since all he should be doing is sleeping. So now when I put him to bed he tells me he can't sleep becuase there are no "big people" in his room. (At least he realized Finn was a person!) So again I try to explain to him how that is how it should be, blah blah blah! When he comes to bed with us I take him back to his room and give him a cuddle. A couple of night ago he came in at 12:00 and told me he was "lone". So I said he could cuddle for a minute, then he had to go back to bed. He argued, but I put him back. Then at 2:30 he started screaming his head off for me until finally I went in there and he was soaking wet. So I changed him, covered him up and went back to bed. Then an hour later he came in becuase he wanted to cuddle! So I gave him a hug and put him back to bed. In the morning when I told Scott this (since he has the gift to sleep through all of this!) he said "well, at least he had a different reason for each time!) Then that morning Jamie comes into bed with me at 6:30. I wish everyone had as much energy as he does! He just charges right in with all of his morning demands regardless of what time it is! The picture of Jamie is from when we took him to see the movie Bolt a week ago at a sneak preview. He looked so cute while we were saving seats for Scott and his mom when they went to get drinks, that I had to take a picture of him. And the picture of Finn is him doing one of his favorite things and stealing a bottle and drinking it. He throws himself on the ground and rolls into position and drinks hoping Jamie won't figure out what he is doing! It is so cute. I stopped giving him bottles and give him sippy cups now, but I still think he thinks they are all Jamies!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well, I bit the bullet yesterday and gave Finn a real haircut. Near his birthday I trimed it so that it wasn't in his eyes and the back of his neck, but it was getting really long again and I didn't think he would sit still for a whole head haircut with scissors! So I buzzed him with the 1 inch guard on. I was worried that it would stick up all over like it used to since it's so fine, but it actually lays down still. He looks older now that it's shaped to his head. And I figured might as well cut Jamies hair while I was at it. He is fine as long as I put one of Scott's shirts on him since he doesn't like it if hair falls on him. So now they both look handsome in time for Thanksgiving. Which we will be spending at Dad's newly remodeled house, which should be super fun! It is so funny the difference in them! Jamie still wakes me up in the middle of the night (by wetting his bed, or just wanted to cuddle!) a couple nights a week, while unless something is seriously wrong with Finn he usually goes to bed at 7 or 7:30 and gets up at 8:30 or 9! I hope the new baby sleeps as good as Finn or I will be very overtired!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, we dressed up the kids (and me!) and went to our church's trunk or treat. They fill the parking lot with cars and everyone decorates their trunk and passes out candy from them. It's a lot of fun, since you don't have to walk that far and you get to see everyone from church all dressed up. It gets really crowded though, since it is so easy and it feels much safer than going to a bunch of houses you don't know. Jamie as you can see was Peter Pan and Finn was a lion. They were both soooo cute! Scott had the really great idea to pin glow sticks to them and it sure helped out. We could see Jamie even if he was in a crowd of kids in line for candy. Jamie had a great time and got a ton of candy! He was getting two pieces a day, but there was an incident today and now he will not be getting candy for a week. Apparently while I was at work today and Jamie and Finn were watching tv in their room before Finn's nap Jamie went ahead and got a stool and took 8 or 9 cupcakes off the back of the stove from a plate, took them in his room and put them in Finn's crib. He and Finn then proceeded to lick all the frosting and sprinkles off of them. That's how Scott's mom found them. Needless to say everyone had a good bath tonight and there was a lot of sheet washing. They both smelled like cupcakes and their hair was all gooey. What am I going to do with him? :)

Friday, October 31, 2008


Well, we carved pumkins last night. I figured since Jamie is getting older and can remember more things we have to make sure that we do all the normal holiday stuff so that he can have nice memories of things. So he got to stick his hand inside the pumkins and get all gooey! I did two pumkins with his "help" and Scott as the camera-man. Everytime I would start doing something in one of the pumkins, Jamie would want to do that, so I would move to the other pumkin, and guess what Jamie wanted to do now? :) So we made a happy pumkin and a silly pumkin. I was pretty tired since we had to wait until Finn was in bed, since he gets so mad at us when he can't do what he wants, and who knows what that would be around gooey pumpkins and knifes? But the pumpkins are done! The other pictures are of a pumpkin party at Forest Lawn in San Dimas. Scott and his mom took the kids on Tuesday afternoon while I was at work. Jamie dressed up as a pirate like last year, since his Peter Pan costume is made of a thin velvet that we thought might get messed up easily, and Finn wore his lion costume from this year. When we tried it on him at Toy R Us we were all laughing so hard, we knew it was the one! He is sooo cute in it! So we are all ready for tonight. We are taking the kids to our churches "Trunk or Treat" where everyone lines up their cars in the parking lot and decorates them and fills them with candy. So you don't have to take your kids to a bunch of houses of people you don't know, you can just walk them through the parking lot. It's a lot of fun and there are a lot of people there, which is a nice outreach for the church, since the people around know it's a safe place to take their kids. Unfortunatly Jamie doesn't forget things like that he will get a big bag of candy tonight, like he did last year! The other day he told Scott's mom that he needed something to eat, since he is a growing boy. She asked him what he wanted and he said "candy"! He is so funny! I am very worried about when he gets older and realizes the full potential of his "talets"!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's a....girl?

Well, we had an ultrasound last Saturday down in Costa Mesa.

Scott, his mom, Jamie, Finn, my mom and my dad (and me of course!) all met in the parking lot of the ultrasound place at noon on Saturday to see if maybe the baby felt like sharing whether we would be blessed with another boy or a girl. Here are two pictures of the ultrasound, the top is a picture of one of the baby's feet and the bottom is a profile and part of an arm. It seemed pretty likely that we will be having a girl, since we didn't see any boy parts, if you know what I mean! So that will be nice. Jamie has wanted a girl all along, and now whenever he sees a commercial for a girl toy he says that we need to get it for the baby, even if it is a hot wheels barbie jeep that she won't need for another 3 or 4 years. But I'm sure she won't mind if Jamie drives it for her! It was a very neat experience, the baby had the hiccups and you could see her opening and closing her mouth and her heart beating. I really enjoyed it, since we were really able to just watch what she was doing. So we are pretty confident we are having a girl, but I'm not going to believe it all the way until the dr says "Its a..."! :) You never know, they could be wrong! But it seems that the baby is doing well and we can't wait to meet him or her.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Muddy Boy

Well, the other morning Jamie wanted to go outside really early, like around 8 (and I'm not saying 8 is early to be up, just for him to go outside!) So after a while he was being really quiet, which we all know means trouble. So I got up and peeked out the window to see him under our grapefruit and orange tree playing in the mud. I thought, oh great, what is he doing, and all of a sudden he starts rubbing it up his arm to the elbow! My first reaction was to run out the door and stop him, but then I remembered the pictures of Jennie and I doing the same thing under our big tree in our backyard and I thought, he's not really hurting anything. So I let him play, just keeping an eye on him. He got it up both arms and started finger painting on the wall. I'm sure he knew he shouldn't be doing it, but he looked like he was having fun. After about 20 minutes he realized he was really cold and wet and came up to the door. So I hosed him down to get the worst off and hauled him off to the bathtub. But before that I took some pictures! I also snapped this cute picture of Finn on the fireplace looking at all he could play with since his brother wasn't there to stop him!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Just a note that the doctor got my ultrasound back and said that I will have to have another one at 30 weeks since my placenta is "low-lying". Which if it doesn't correct itself by then could present a problem. It could mean a c-section and even bedrest if it is serious enough. So the baby and I would appreciate your prayers. Most of the time it moves and isn't a problem, so hopefully the next ultrasound will show it to be in the proper place.

Club 33

Inside Disneyland by Pirates of the Caribbean is a restaurant called Club 33. Only people with reservations can get inside and only members can make reservations. It is a private club that Walt Disney created to impress important people visiting Disneyland. We have heard about it for years and always wondered where it was exactly and what it was like inside. In July Scott's dad came to visit and mentioned that he met someone who was a member. So I emailed him a couple of months ago and asked him if he could get us reservations for Scott's birthday, since he has wanted to eat there forever. It took him almost 2 months, but he did it! I have never had a surprise for Scott work out so well before, they usually end up falling down around my ears, so I told him before the day :) We were both very excited and a little nervous that it would all work out. So on October 4th at 9:00pm we went to Club 33 and had a fabulous dinner and a wonderful time. We both had the filet of Chateaubriand and a delicous salad with apples and panchetta with a delicous creamy vinaigrette. We had such a wonderful time there, it was so neat with all the woodwork and special touches. We were able to go out on the balcony overlooking New Orleans square and we could see the fireworks from our table. It was super fun! (It's also nice to still be able to enjoy time with your spouse without the kids!) And my mom had the boys over to spend the night, so we didn't have to worry about them at all, it was great!

Scotts Birthday

Scott's birthday was on the 2nd and we took him to Disneyland for the day. We had a lot of fun and stayed longer than we thought we would. The boys were both (mostly) good and we were there from 10am to 7pm! I was sure tired :) The funny thing Jamie was doing was he would want to go on a ride, and as soon as we were standing in line he would start saying "me not like this ride, me not like this ride. Me want to go home." Then we would have to convince him that he would like this ride through the whole line, and then he would like the ride. It was getting a little crazy though! Finn did very well considering he spent most of the day in the stroller with only a little nap. We had fun, even though Scott couldn't go on his favorite rides unless he wanted to go alone since they are hesitant to let really pregnant ladies on Space Mountain and Screamin over California!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ultrasound Pictures

Well, here are the ultrasound pictures we got yesterday. Unfortunatly the baby was being shy and they weren't quite able to tell whether it will be a boy or a girl. We might go get another one in Costa Mesa and see if they can tell. We took Jamie with us to see pictures of the baby. I told him we had to go to the doctor. He said that they take pictures at the baby store, not the doctor. (He gets his picture taken at Babies R Us) Then when we were there he kept telling me he didn't see the baby. When she let us listen to the babies heartbeat he said "The babies heart is too loud"! Then last night we had mom watch the boys and we invited Ben and Jennie to go to the movies with us. We all went to see Fireproof which is a movie made by a church in Georgia who feels it is their ministry to make good Christian movies. It was a really good movie, we had a great time, even though on the way there we got stuck at a sobriety checkpoint! But poor mom, we got back after 10 and both boys were still awake! Finn doesn't sleep unless he is in his own bed and Jamie could stay up all night long if we let him. They didn't even fall asleep in the truck on the way home. But luckily they both went to sleep once we got home and slept all night. Finn is talking in his crib right now, so I'll have to go and get him up.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Jamie says the craziest things lately. One of them has different parts, but 1 central theme. (I'm pretty sure he's been talking to his Granddude about it.) If we tell him to put a toy down or something he says he's worried that the Easter Bunny will take it! He wanted us to hang an airplane from the ceiling so the Easter Bunny can't get it. I'm really not sure where he got the idea that the Easter Bunny sneaks into our house and takes stuff at night, but he is quite convinced! Yesterday Finn was trying to take some books out of one of those cardboard cases that they come in and Jamie was trying to stop him. They were Jamies books, and I told him he could let Finn play with one, since there were four of them. Jamie said, "Finn can't play with them because he can't read."! Now I suppose this might be a good reason...if Jamie could read! I said "You can't read either". He said "yes I can"! He comes up with this stuff at 3 I'm really getting worried about what his excuses will be when he is 5 or even 10!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


We went "camping" last weekend because Scott's mom had bought all this camping stuff and decided we had better go camping or else why did she buy all this stuff? (Notice I said "camping") Now the camping I am used to is everyone piling in our red Ford Van and driving the 15 hours it takes to get to doesn't take 15 hours to get to Yosemite? Really...hmmm...must have been all the train pictures. Well, I digress. Once we got to Yosemite we set up a small tent and put our sleeping bags on the floor and had food in the cooler and set up a small camp stove. We would walk to the showers every day and by the time we had walked back we were dirty again becuase they were really far away. We would brush our teeth in a bucket of water and spit it out on the ground. And if you had to go to the bathroom after dark, well you hope you brought enough bug spray! We had a lot of fun, but it was, at least to us "roughing it". So when I say "camping" I mean we slept in a tent, but that is about the only resemblance to what I had done with my parents when I was little. We got this huge tent and 2 queen size air mattresses. We even had sheets and pillows, no sleeping bags, execpt for Jamie who got a new cars sleeping bag to match his cars camping chair, so cute! Finn slept in a pack-in-play in a seperate area of the tent via a curtain. Which helped so much because he couldn't see us, so he actually slept! We were worried that it would be awful with Finn since he might be miserable gated in and he might keep us up all night, but he really did great! Jamie had a wonderful time especially riding his bike. We also went out to eat for every meal (which I sure didn't mind since I would have had to cook!) and went down to Balboa Island after dinner and went for a walk. Jamie had a great time riding his bike and managed not to hit anyone, which I thought was a small miracle. What was the best was the campfire when we got back from dinner. I put Finn to bed and he barely cried, Scott started up the fire with only wood and some napkins! I was very impressed. (It also almost completly burned up all the wood) And we made Jiffy pop and roasted marshmallows and explained to Jamie why he shouldn't lean forward in his chair. He looked so cute sitting in his own chair like a big boy! Then he had a graham cracker stuck to his shorts and a marshmallow stuck to his shirt! So I had to change him into new clothes, he is so funny! We slept ok, but not great since we were in a new place, but the boys both slept all night. Then we woke up early since it was light and decided to go to breakfast at 7 since Jamie was having a hard time understanding why he shouldn't be shouting at us (even though it was early and other people were sleeping, oh and the fact that he was less than 3 feet from us!) He really doesn't get the whole "shhhh" thing! So all in all we had a good time and actually got some sleep!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Growing Up

It was cold on Friday morning, and I was looking for clothes to bring for the boys since we were going camping on Saturday. I found a cowboy shirt and overalls that were Jamies and were about Finn's size right now. Boy he looks bigger in "real" clothes. He is almost always in a one piece jumper and he looked so cute in his big boy clothes that I had to get out the camera. Of course Jamie couldn't let an oppurtunity to steal Finn's attention, so he started hamming it up! Finn wasn't too happy about that as you can see. Jamie is holding 2 cups because he needs his "milkjuice" which he pronounces as one word and means a bottle of milk and a bottle of juice. It sounds pretty gross, though since you picture milk and juice in one cup together! I just can't believe how big they are getting. And on Friday the 26th we are going to get our 20 week ultrasound where hopefully they can tell us whether it is a boy or a girl! We can only take 1 person, so we decided to take Jamie, I think he will like to see the baby since he is always interested in what it is doing and talking to it. (Which translates to yelling into my belly button, which I guess he thinks is some kind of microphone!)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Disneyland in July

In July we went to Disneyland and they have an Indiana Jones story thing where the Aladin story place is usually. So we decided to go, especially since Jamie loves "Indy Jones". Well, we stood in line, then we filed in and choose some seats in the shade. Then all of a sudden Jamie realizes that kids are sitting on the carpet up front and he asks to go down there. So Scott takes him down and seats him right up front. He sat there and listened to the man from Disneyland tell the kids what they need to do tohelp out this lady and Indiana Jones. We were kind of surprised at how well he was sitting and listening...until the lady came out! All of a sudden, whenever the lady came close to him, he stood up staring at her and if she walked away he

would follow her until one the Disneyland people asked him to sit down! It was sooo funny (in fact it was mostly the only entertaining thing about the show :)). Then when "Indiana Jones" came out he did the same thing. It was so cute. The poor Disneyland people. He was the only kid following them around and staring at them. So up top is some cute pictures of us and the kids, I love how Finn looks at Daddy, he even says "Dada" when he sees Scott for the first time in a while, and sometimes kind of hops up and down! He sure loves his Daddy. And a picture of me and Jamie.

Down here is a picture of Jamie before the show started, then a picture of the Disneyland lady chasing him to get him to sit down and then him seeing "Indiana Jones"! Is he funny or what???

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sea World

We went to Sea World in the middle of August. We had a fun time, except for Finn who was sick and teething. Poor baby, he was not a happy camper. We stayed at a hotel called The Dana on Mission Bay and all the funiture in the room was too tall for him to climb up, like he had just learned to do at home on the couches and chairs, so he was very cranky about that as well! Plus he is a boy who loves his normal routine and so when we screw it up by taking him somewhere and he doesn't get to sleep in his own bed, he doesn't function very well. Unlike Jamie, who could miss naps and go to bed whenever and he's fine! Which is funny because he doesn't like to have to take naps or go to bed at home :) Amazing how differently God made them! Makes me excited to see what the next one will be like! Jamies out with Daddy right now and Finn is taking his beloved nap, so I took the oppurtunity to do some laundry and clean the kitchen. Then I thought I would post and put up the slideshow since I'm not too tired yet today!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm back!!!!!

Well, I just got over a headache that I had for 5 days straight so I'm feeling pretty good and I had a minute, so I thought "I know, I'll actually post a blog entry!!!" I tried a week ago or so, but the one day I had the time and energy and no one yelling or whining or crying at me and the internet went down!!! AHHH!!!!! :) So here I am! And here is a picture of Jamie from about 1/2 hour ago. I just cut his hair tonight since it was getting sooo long. Here is a picture of Finn from a couple days ago. He's running around and climbing everything. It is crazy to see him climb up on the couch and turn around and sit down! So cute, especially if he is next to Jamie. They are both getting so big. It is so fun (most of the time!) to have a conversation with Jamie and he actually understands what I'm saying and I can mostly understand what he is saying! He new annoying habit is after I say something he says "huh?" Drives me nuts! I even asked the dr if he had an ear infection, but she said they are fine! Finn makes noises and says mama dada, he can even mimic what you are saying if he's in the mood! Jamies potty training is going very slowly. He just has no motivation, even when we tell him what he can get or give him candy or stickers. I'm not sure what to try, especially since I'm not home during the day. I'll try to put up all the pictures that I have missed posting the last month or so, especially Finn's birthday and our trip to San Diego, where we had a really fun time. I'll post the rest soon!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


On Thursday I had a luncheon at work, so I got off at 1:15 and Scott usually gets off at 2:30 unless he has to work overtime, so we headed off to Disneyland when he came home. They have a new toy story ride that we wanted to check out and luckily the wait was only 45 minutes :) We had fun on the ride, it is a fair style ride where the car takes you to various screens where you shoot at toy story theamed games with a virtual shooter that is 3-D. I got 107,100 points! Scott got over 119,000 and Jamie got 10,000. Finn didn't get anything becuase he had to sit inbetween Scott's mom and I, but he was very good and seemed to enjoy the sights even though he wouldn't wear the 3-D glasses! After that we walked around and ate some food and headed over to Disneyland. We went on Pirates and then watched Fantasmic. It was weirder than I remembered. Jamie enjoyed it. Then we went to the tram but it seemed like it would take forever so we decided to walk back to the parking structure. I blame it on momentary insanity! We were so tired and my feet hurt so bad! But we made it back. All in all it was a fun day!! Here is a cute picture of Jamie intently studying the map and a very cute one of Daddy and Finn wearing there 3-D glasses :)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Ha Ha! I did it :) 6 posts in June too!

Here is a cute picture of Jamie on his slippy slide. He played with his blast off car tonight with daddy and had lots of fun. Finn was very cranky since it appears he is now getting 2 more teeth up on the top, poor kid! He had 2 teeth forever and now he has a bunch all coming in at once.

Finn's Teeth

Well, Finn's top teeth finally came in last Sunday, the 22nd. They are some big teeth! Very cute :) Now he is working on one on the bottom. Jamie didn't want to be left out, so he told me he had 9 teeth. He counted them himself! (He actually has

16) Jamie also wanted me to type his tongues name, whatever that means! He also said Cats eat those and those and those and those. He is very silly! Like birds eat worms. Birds wear shoes and walk home. Birds walk like and eat worms all over the place. He also wanted me to say Blue and Steve from his Blues Clues show.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jennies wedding

My little sister got married yesterday! It was quite a day, especially trying to keep a 3 year old and a 1 year old entertained and be matron of honor! But they both did very well (and I think I did as well :)) And Jennie married Ben and gave up the hard to spell name Styffe for the much easier Davis. I still remember when my uncle Glenn asked me if I would hyphenate my name, I replied and be Melissa Styffe-Schweitzer, I don't think so! But I love my new name, I've had it for 4 years now! I better get a move on, since I posted 6 entrys in May and April and only have 4 now for June, and the month is almost gone. Working full time really cuts into my blogging! Jamie was the ring bearer (Finn was supposed to be too, but he decided the kitchen at the church was more interesting than a room full of people) and did very well. Since mommy had the idea to give Uncle Ben a superman sucker and tell Jamie to give Ben the pillow and he will give Jamie the sucker! It worked :) Jamie was told that if he was good for the wedding he would get a blast off car. Which is something he saw on tv that he has wanted for a long time. It is about 30 inches long and you put water in a tank and pump it full of air to create pressure, then you hit a lever to release the car and it "blast's off" getting everying wet. Jamie loves it! The funny thing is that after the rehersal dinner he said "ok, Jennies wedding over, me good, lets go get blast off car!" Then yesterday morning he said "mommy me no want you to get married" all sad. I said "Honey, mommy's not getting married, I'm already married to Daddy, aunt Jennie is getting married!" We went to Ben's house today to watch the newlyweds open presents and Ben's brother Patrick let Jamie see his legos, so Jamie found his new best friend, at one point I went in to check on him and they were shooting a giant nerf gun with suction cup darts at the mirrored closet! Jamie was having the best time! He now wants to show Patrick his blast off car. Jamie told Jennie, "Jennie, you not know about blast off car."! He is so funny!