Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good news!

I went to the dr yesterday and she said the ultrasound was fine and the placenta moved to where it should be. So it seems everything is back to normal now. I thought it would be fun to put up a picture of each of the boys from last Christmas. It is amazing how much Finn has grown and changed! He wasn't even crawling last Christmas and now he is running and climbing and saying a few words! Jamie of course is just more of the same :) just bigger! Right now he wants me to get off the computer so he can play a game! I can't believe it's almost Christmas! This time of year sure does sneak up on me :)


Kathy said...
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Kathy said...

Made a mistake in mu first post, so had to delete it and leave another one!

Finn looks so different in his picture from last year and Jamie just looks like Jamie, only bigger! He keeps growing but looking the same!

Also, yeah to the fact that the placenta has gone back where it belongs!
Love, Mom