Friday, December 5, 2008

It's a girl!!!! (Pretty sure this time:)!!)

We had our 30 week ultrasound today, the doctor wanted this because my placenta was low lying at our 20 week ultrasound. I didn't see, but Jennie and Scott watched the technician typing on the screen that it was low lying still, so I guess it didn't clear itself up like the dr hoped. I'll find out more at my next appointment. It doesn't appear to be covering anything, but just lower than it should be. Which might mean I have to have a c-section. So we would appreciate your prayers for both of our health. We also are almost certain now that we are having a girl! Which works out well, since mom just brought us a bunch of girl clothes that a co-workers daughter grew out of, so that was a blessing since I am fully prepared clothes wise for a boy, but have nothing for a girl, so this was very wonderful. I am excited to get to know this new little person, since I'm sure she will be quite different from her brothers, who are also very different from each other, so we will have a very diverse household! At least we won't be bored! (Although I'm pretty sure that Jamie can accomplish this all by himself!) Yesterday he was looking for Scott's mom, calling "Oma, Oma, where are you? Oma, this not good time to play hide and seek"! He is so funny, I don't know where he hears these things from. Then tonight we were going to moms and Scott was driving and Jamie started making this annoying noise, so Scott said "Jamie" and he said "sorry daddy, me not see you there."! Like where could he have gone?! He is sooo silly sometimes we just have to laugh, even though we shouldn't! Last night was the first night this week that he hasn't come in to cuddle or something in the middle of the night, and I think it is just becuase he didn't wake up, not becuase he knew that he should stay in his bed! Oh well :)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Yeah!!! A little baby girl!!! I am glad that you were not woken up at least one night! You need your sleep!!!