Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, I thought last night was it! Scott and I had just went to bed and all of a sudden I realized that I had 3 contractions that were kind of painful in a small amount of time. So I got up and got my phone so that I could see how far apart they were...well they were 5 mintues apart. Since I was induced with both boys, I wasn't really sure when to go to the hosptial, execpt that the contractions should be 5 minutes apart for an hour. But these started out 5 minutes apart. I was rather confused and worried, since I don't have everything ready yet. The baby's bag for the hospital is packed and I have most of the stuff I need, but it's not all where it should be! So I woke up Scott (who fell asleep mintues after his head hit the pillow!) I told him what was going on and we decided I would call the hosptial and ask them what they thought and call my mom in case she needed to come over so the boys wouldn't wake up with no one here but Scott's Nana, who can't lift Finn out of his crib. Well, the nurse said that they should be lasting about 45-60 each and mine were 25-35 so she advised waiting a bit (unless I was uncomfortable with that). So I laid there timing them for a while, then I called mom and told her to try to go to sleep and I would do the same. So we turned off the light and I laid there for another hour or so and they weren't getting any worse, and finally I was able to go to sleep about 1. When I woke up with Scott's alarm at 5:15 I didn't have any more contractions, so he went to work and I went back to sleep. Then I got up to go to my dr appointment. My blood pressure was a little high, so I hope that doesn't become an issue again, but other than that she said everything was great. I am 2 centimeters dialated and she said the babies heartbeat was happy :) She also said that I should wait until the contractions are about a level 7 pain, where I can't talk through, 5 mintues apart for an hour and a half. So now I know to wait until they really hurt :), yipee! So I would appreciate everyones prayers :) I am (hopefully) get my hair cut tomorrow, and get everything ready for the baby this weekend so that I feel a bit more ready. Finn was sitting on the couch looking cute today and Jamie was on my lap (what is left of it!) and I asked Jamie what we were going to do with Finn and he said "Throw him away." and started laughing. So I said "you're silly, we can't throw him away, we love him!" and he said "sell him?"! So I said "I'm going to sell you you little monkey!" then he said we should "recycle" Finn! I don't know where he comes up with this stuff! He is so good with Finn normally and I was really worried about how he would react when Finn was born for no reason, since he is really caring (much more that Finn would like with all the hugs and kisses!) so I'm not worried about Jamie and the baby, but I think Finn is going to not be happy, since he has developed quite a temper. He gets mad and hits things or people and gets very cranky when he doesn't get his way. So I'm thinking he will be trying to hit the baby a lot. Jamie is very excited to meet the baby, but I have to be careful how I say things, since I asked him if he was excited that the baby would be here soon and he gave me this look like he could not believe I said that and said in a very condesending tone "mommy the baby has already been here" and pointed to my tummy! That kid! So I said "sorry, are you excited that the baby will come out soon?" and he said "yes" in that of course kind of voice. He does keep me on my toes! I put up two pictures of them, since a big picture of my belly might not be too cute! Scott's mom took Jamie to see the rose parade float at Eastland, and this is him sniffing the flowers that he got, and this is Finn on Christmas. I can't believe it, but he doesn't use his pacifier anymore! I was really dreading taking it away from him since he really loved it and I knew I should have when he was younger so that it wouldn't be hard, but I kept picturing sleepless nights and A LOT of crying so I've been too chicken about it. But I was trying to at least keep it more to a bedtime thing, so when he would wake up in the morning without it, I would find it, but wait until close to naptime when he was getting cranky to give it to him. I did that for about a week, when Jamie had a really bad night and I noticed that Finn was sleeping without it, so I just didn't give it to him the next day. I told Scott's mom that he hadn't had it since the night before and she didn't give it to him for his nap either, and then at bedtime I thought I would just try it and if he freaked out I would give it to him, but he didn't! So all of a sudden almost on accident he doesn't need his pacifier anymore :) He was a bit crankier than usual for a couple of days, but he's been without it for a couple of weeks now. I just hope that it will be long enough that he won't try to take the baby's pacifier out of her mouth :) But I can't believe how lucky I was, I was really dreading it and it's all over and it wasn't a big deal at all! I thought I was lucky with Jamie, since as soon as he figured out how to get his hands into his mouth, he didn't want it anymore and that was when he was 2 months old. I know he would have been awful if he had kept it, since he is very opioinated. His favorite thing is to tell Finn how bad he is being and to tell him "No, Finn, that's bad!". I keep telling him he is not Finn's mommy or daddy, so he can't punish him, but that doesn't alway work that well since it is very fun to tell your brother how bad he is being!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Link to pictures

Here is a link to the photobucket pictures

We're still here!

I know it's been almost a month since my last posting, and I missed Christmas and my birthday! I have just been so tired and busy! (I'm sure you can't imagine why) So I am off work now, so I will try to post more regularly, especially once the baby comes, since she(or he) will be changing so fast. Here are two pictures from my birthday, one is from our new Bob's Big Boy where we went to breakfast and the other is of Scott and Jamie on Autotopia at Disneyland. Don't I look comfortable??? :) I told Scott he should take a picture of my belly since it will be gone soon (thank goodness!) I am getting to the "I don't care how much it hurts, just get this baby out of me!" I have her bag all packed (with a couple of boy things, just in case!) and the car seat is soon to have a new cute cover to go over it and I have a lot of things ready to wash as soon as we here whether they were right about if it is a girl or not. I will put up on photobucket a bunch of pictures of Christmas and stuff, so I'll post that as soon as it is done.