Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Growing Up

It was cold on Friday morning, and I was looking for clothes to bring for the boys since we were going camping on Saturday. I found a cowboy shirt and overalls that were Jamies and were about Finn's size right now. Boy he looks bigger in "real" clothes. He is almost always in a one piece jumper and he looked so cute in his big boy clothes that I had to get out the camera. Of course Jamie couldn't let an oppurtunity to steal Finn's attention, so he started hamming it up! Finn wasn't too happy about that as you can see. Jamie is holding 2 cups because he needs his "milkjuice" which he pronounces as one word and means a bottle of milk and a bottle of juice. It sounds pretty gross, though since you picture milk and juice in one cup together! I just can't believe how big they are getting. And on Friday the 26th we are going to get our 20 week ultrasound where hopefully they can tell us whether it is a boy or a girl! We can only take 1 person, so we decided to take Jamie, I think he will like to see the baby since he is always interested in what it is doing and talking to it. (Which translates to yelling into my belly button, which I guess he thinks is some kind of microphone!)


Kathy said...

How can my grandsons get so big??? They are just so cute and Finn looks very grown-up in his "big boy" clothes! I am praying that your ultrasound will show you are carrying a girl :-)

DS said...

I don't know…I always hated the taste of milk right after any kind of fruit or juice. I needed a spacer bite of cereal, toast or something before drinking my milk.

There is something (slightly) wrong with that boy!

But Granddude loves him anyway!

And Finn just keeps on looking adorable. I still smile every time I see the photo of him and Scott in their 3D glasses.
