Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, we dressed up the kids (and me!) and went to our church's trunk or treat. They fill the parking lot with cars and everyone decorates their trunk and passes out candy from them. It's a lot of fun, since you don't have to walk that far and you get to see everyone from church all dressed up. It gets really crowded though, since it is so easy and it feels much safer than going to a bunch of houses you don't know. Jamie as you can see was Peter Pan and Finn was a lion. They were both soooo cute! Scott had the really great idea to pin glow sticks to them and it sure helped out. We could see Jamie even if he was in a crowd of kids in line for candy. Jamie had a great time and got a ton of candy! He was getting two pieces a day, but there was an incident today and now he will not be getting candy for a week. Apparently while I was at work today and Jamie and Finn were watching tv in their room before Finn's nap Jamie went ahead and got a stool and took 8 or 9 cupcakes off the back of the stove from a plate, took them in his room and put them in Finn's crib. He and Finn then proceeded to lick all the frosting and sprinkles off of them. That's how Scott's mom found them. Needless to say everyone had a good bath tonight and there was a lot of sheet washing. They both smelled like cupcakes and their hair was all gooey. What am I going to do with him? :)


Jennifer Lynch said...

At least Jamie shared the cupcakes with his brother!

DS said...

The phrase "What goes around, comes around." comes to mind! :-D

Love, Dad

P.S. The boys really did look cute.

Kathy said...

I am sure that you NEVER did anything like that with cake ...
It was fun hanging out with you guys at Trunk or Treat! Love, Mom