Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well, we're on vacation! We went to Balboa Island today with the boat that we got this weekend and fixed up. It's little, but we putted around the bay for about an hour and then let the boys play in the sand. Finn enjoyed eating sand, yuck! Then we walked downtown and bought Jamie 2 hippo cookies (a little shop that has ice cream and doughnuts bakes these large hippo shaped cookies with colored glaze and 2 m & m's for eyes that are really good) Jamie decided he needed 2, so when the girl asked what we wanted he went ahead and ordered "2 hippo tooties 1 blue one and 1 pink one."! Good thing they only had 2 colors! Then we walked around a bit and drove home. It was fun, but I'm tired :). We might go to Sea World tomorrow, Jamie said I need to call his family and invite them. I'm not sure who he means, and he also wants me to call Sophie and Ben.

Scott and I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie on Saturday night and Mom, Jennie and Ben watched the boys. Harrison Ford seems old! It was ok, but I'm not as into the Indiana Jones movies as Scott is. It was nice to get out and do stuff by ourselves, though :)

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