Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday yipee!

asdfasdfadsfasdfasdfasdfasdfadsfaIt's Friday!!!! Yippee!!! I am so tired. I have been sick since last Friday and have barely made it through this week. I feel terrible, but I can't tell if going to the dr would help or if they would just say "yup, you're sick all right"! I need some sleep! But people who have a 3 year old and a almost 10 month old (I can't believe how big he is!) don't get sleep! Jamie seems like he is getting sick too. Which means I get to spend my Mother's Day weekend with a sick cranky toddler :) Oh well, I should be grateful that it is 9:30 and they are both asleep! Yeah :)

I put up a random cute picture of Jamie since I've already put up all the recent ones. Tomorrow Scott's family is coming for Mother's Day so I'll get some cute ones of Jamie with Ben and Sophie (Scott's cousin Wendy's kids - they are 4 and 2) whom Jamie adores. He went through a stage after Christmas where whenever he would get in trouble he would sob "me want Ben and Sohpie, me want Ben and Sophie come overs mine house" over and over again! When we went to their house for their birthday parties a couple weeks ago I made a fruit salad and I put lemon juice in the dressing and Jamie said "Ben and Sophie not like lemon". He is so funny.

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