Thursday, May 15, 2008

Superhero Mamie

Superhero Mamie -
Doesn't this pose make him look like he is ready to take on the world? As I'm sure he is! This is a picture of Jamie and Scott's cousins son Ben from Mother's Day. He just looks invinsable! Which he mostly is. I am still amazed we haven't had to take him to the Emergency Room yet! Praise God! They are still cranky because of being sick. Plus Finn is very intolerent of the heat, so he isn't liking the heatwave. I'm not sure what he will do in the summer, because he just can't stand being hot.

And here is a super cute shot Scott got of Finn the same day. He is getting so good at walking, I'll have to take another video, because he can make it a good 10 feet, and even change direction and stop, pick something up and keep going. It's hard to get Jamie to take his medicine since the first time was so bad, but if Finn even sees a medincine dropper he gets excited and opens his mouth! They are both just so cute! I don't know what I did to be blessed with such cuties, but I love the little munchins. However, I could do without the whinning! Especially since I'm sure I never whinned! And I know I was never this bossy! Jamie will tell me "mom, you gotta throw this away, mom you gotta do this..." Or this morning he told me I better do something! That went over well!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What cute pictures! And you do have very beautiful boys! Thanks for sharing your days with us who don't get to see them as often as we would like.