Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We got a puppy!

Scott called me this morning. Someone had put a puppy in a box, taped it shut and left it outside in the sun in the parking lot of his work. He works in a machine shop so he couldn't keep it there, so Jamie, Finn and I went to pick him up. I asked Jamie if he wanted to go to daddy's work and pick up a puppy and he said "no, daddy's work boring. Me watch Wonder Pets" (which is a show where a duck, a guinea pig and a turtle save other animals) I said we were like the Wonder Pets saving the baby puppy. So he said "you sing song." So I had to sing the Wonder Pets song. Then he told me "you sing lounder, me can't hear you." The little dictator! So I sang louder, he said "you sing really loud"! So I sang the dumb song the whole way to Scott's work and we picked up this tiny puppy. I can't believe how mean people are. We stopped at Petco on the way home and it sure was fun trying to get out of the truck with a 3 year old, a 9 month old and a tiny puppy! Makes me appreciate the fact that I hardly ever go anywhere with them without another adult! Jamie loves his new puppy, but Finn's not quite sure. He is slower and so the puppy has chewed a bit on him, but he'll learn to get away! Unbelievably the puppy seems fixed and has only gone potty on the grass in the backyard, so he seems potty trained (which is more than I can say for Jamie!) He is very sweet and is tuckered out right now from chasing Jamie all day. We just have to get Jamie to stop picking him up all the time! We'll see how it works out, but if he stays this well behaved we have a new puppy :) It seems everyone has decided to name him happy, so we will see if that sticks (although Jamie wanted to name him donut...strange child :))


DS said...

You called my grandson a little dictator? I'm aghast!

DS said...

So many questions:

How's the little dictator doing these days?

How's the puppy's chew toy doing?

What's the puppy's name?

What's the breed?