Thursday, April 24, 2008

My First Post!

Well, I've jumped on the blogging bandwagon. It sure is crowded ;)

I thought I should document the kids milestones and this seemed like a fun way to do it.

Jamie just turned 3 and he is talking up a storm. I mostly understand what he says and if I don't get it the first time he is more than happy to keep saying it until I get it! The key is trying to get him to be quiet :) This is a picture of him in a champ car. Scott and his mom took Jamie to Long Beach last weekend since it was the last time these cars would race with the engine set up the way it was. He had a blast and even got to sit in one with a blue helmet! He is so funny. He is putting stickers on paper (which is why I am allowed to type right now) and one of them ripped. He said "me having a hard time right now".

Finn just turned 9 months and he is almost walking. Just this morning he went 5 steps from one stool to another! He was very slow about it, standing trying to keep his balance. Very exciting, he'll be running around pretty soon. Jamie makes us clap for Finn everytime he walks, so now Finn looks at us like "where's the clapping? I'm going to do something cool" Here is a picture of him in the swing in the backyard. He was having so much fun!


DS said...

Granddude loves it!

Although the "word verification" thing is evil!

"qxbseqr" is underlined as a misspelling!

Jenn Styffe said...

I love it! Now I have another source for my Jamie newsflash. If you forget to tell me then I have to hear it from mom, and she forgets all of the cute little details. So my guess is that I will end up being the next "blogger" in the family. Scary!

By the way, what does "tdufbuy" mean.