Monday, June 16, 2008

Potty Training

Well, I am trying to gently potty train Jamie. He knows how, he just could care less! I made a chart with stickers and he does that every once and a while. We were watching superman and he asked why superman had on underwear and I said because he is a big boy and goes potty in the toilet :) (I saw it as an opportunity!) So we got him some new underwear and on Friday I put it on him in the morning and told him he had to tell us before he went potty. Then I left for work :) When I got home he was in a diaper. Apparently he had used all 5 of the new pairs of underwear and peed on the carpet twice! Then as we are talking about it he wanted to go potty, so I am standing in the door of the bathroom waiting for him and I glance in the bathtub....that looks a lot like poop! I know he didn't do that when I gave him a bath, so I said "Jamie is that poopy in the bathtub?"He said "yeah". Scott's mom asked him "did you go poop in the bathtub?" and he said "yeah". So I asked "today?!" He said "yeah, me go poopy in the bathtub."! They are sure never boring! And Finn is getting his top two front teeth and is very cranky, they have been under the gums ready to pop out for days now poor thing. He is getting increasing mad whenever we are eating, he stands there crying and looking at us until we give him some or he steals it off our plate!

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