Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We're still here :)

Well, I'm sure everyone is shocked that I haven't been posting everyday, since I haven't been working and all, but we've been a little busy. Last Thursday at 10:50 or so Aurora was crying (imagine that!) and I thought I heard a noise in the backyard over it, so I asked Scott if he heard something too. He grabbed his "Little Flashlight", which is what he calls this huge flashlight that could flag down an airplane and went to check it out. I was trying to calm the baby down, but thought I should follow in case he needed me and he was coming back down the hall with the strangest look on his face. What had happened was that all the rain had soaked the wood in our patio cover and made it so heavy that the nails holding it onto the house had just pulled out of the wood! It crashed down on our glass table out there and broke it and who knows what else, since we can't really tell yet. Luckily the dog was in his doghouse at the time and is ok. But thank God it happened at night when the kids weren't out there. So we can't get out the sliding door for right now and are in the middle of the homeowners insurance and getting quotes from contractors...just what everyone needs with a month old baby, right??? Plus after her two week check up where she was doing great and I was picturing actually getting some sleep soon she came down with a diaper rash and started crying all the time. I've cut all milk out of my diet (which is really terrible, since I LOVE milk!) and changed diapers and diaper creams and use cotton balls to change her and all that stuff. I think it is finally getting better and she seems to be crying less, but I will have to take her to the dr if it doesn't clear up soon. So I am getting no sleep and nothing done since she wants to be held all the time. Plus the boys have figured out that when they are mad at each other they can hit and/or bite the other one! Yipee for me!!! So there is lots of crying contstantly here :) Last night we had Hamburger Helper (yum :(!) and I was feeding Finn spoonfuls while trying to eat myself and hold Aurora when she started screaming for no apparent reason, so I put the bowl down and tried to calm her down. Finn didn't like that so he tried to get it and I blocked him with my arm. The little monkey bit me! And left teethmarks!!!! (When I showed Scott he couldn't stop laughing) He really likes Hamburger Helper, I guess! So that is what is going on here, hopefully the boys will stop trying to kill each other (yeah, right!) and the babies rash will clear up and I can get some sleep!!!

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