Friday, July 17, 2009

Jamie's sick :(

Last night I got to bed at 10:30pm, wishing it was earlier but glad to be in bed (little did I know!). Scott finished a show he was watching the living room and was about to come

to bed at 11 when he remembered that he didn't check all the doors so he was walking down the hall when he heard a weird noise from the boys room. He opened the door and yelled for me to come. I knew something was wrong and jumped out of bed. Jamie is just standing there throwing in the doorway, so I take his arm and lead him to the bathroom. I tried to make him throw up into the toilet, but he is scared and angry and very resistant so I just strip him quick and put him in the bathtub. (Very little time has actually passed at this point) and just then Scott brings Finn into the bathroom. What we figure happened based on Finn's appearance is that he and Jamie fell asleep together in Jamie's bed and when he woke up and started throwing up, he was right next to Finn. Finn's whole head was covered so we dumped him right in the bathtub too. Unfortunately he HATES baths right now and sobbed and started shaking. (What a shock the whole thing must have been to him, which hadn't even lasted 5 minutes at this point.) So they are both crying and confused since they were just asleep and I'm trying to wash them as fast as I can. Jamie starts telling me that I really hurt his feelings when I told him to go back in his room ( which was hours ago) so I'm telling them both I'm so sorry and I just want to hug them. Scott and I get them out of the tub and he takes them into the living room and turns on cartoons for them. He just hold Finn since he is still shaking and I have to get the baby because of course all the commotion woke her up! Once I get her all situated and we make sure the boys are ok we go into the room to survey the, it is really sucky to be the parents! We got all the bedding and a area rug up and into a bag to deal with later and I tried to clean up everything else so the smell would go away. Scott set up some fans so that helped a lot. It wasn't much fun since Scott and I were just sick on Tuesday and I wasn't feeling 100% yet, but I made up Jamie's bed again and went back out into the living room. Finn was fine at this point and started running around and bothering Jamie so I put him back to bed. I was going to let him sleep out there, but he wasn't going to settle down unfortunately. So I got my pillows and sent Scott to bed since he had to go to work today. I settled Jamie on his little pull out couch with a bucket and a towel and we laid down. He threw up at 2, 4, 5 and 5:30, but as of right now he might be done. He has a little fever, but seems to be feeling better since he is pestering me for little drinks of 7up. (They sure bounce back fast!) What a day for it to be Finn's 2nd birthday! I can't even believe it. I hope I can get the cupcakes made and frosted today for tomorrow and I hope Jamie is better. Kids are always interesting! The worst was at 5 he woke me up out of a dream that they were all throwing up!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Great Idea

Today Jamie was cutting paper, which consists of him using his safety scissors and cutting pieces of construction paper into confetti and then getting bored and leaving it all over and moving on to something else. So I look over and he has a piece of paper 2 or 3 inches long in his mouth and he is trying to cut it with his scissors. (Honestly I don't know where he comes up with this stuff!) So I tell him that maybe he shouldn't do that and he says "why?" I mentioned that I would think that would be self-evident but he just moved on to trying to hold the paper with his toes. Yesterday Finn took a empty bubble container and filled it up in the dogs water (which Jamie had already used to wash mud off his hands) and drank it. They are apparently trying to build up their immune systems, yuck! And Aurora seems to finally be interested in toys, so hopefully soon she will be able to entertain herself better :) I can't believe she is already 4 months old and Finn's birthday is next month!! Crazy!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ducati Races

Well, Scott and Jamie had a great time at the superbike races. Here is a picture of Jamie next to a Ducati that was very similar to the one Scott had (which he sold to marry me :)) when we first met. I got bored and lonely and painted Aurora's toenails...luckily mom kept me company, so I didn't go too crazy! It's hard to think right now since Finn keeps crying because I won't let him escape and Jamie keeps asking me eight million questions. The other day he said to me "Mom that would be a delight" and his new word is "actually" which would sound really cute coming from a four year old execpt that he uses it to tell me I'm wrong about something, like "Actually mommy blah blah blah." Very annoying :) I missed him a lot last weekend, execpt the peace and quiet without someone chattering all day long was nice! I really missed Scott since we haven't been apart that long for a long time. And today is our 5 year anniversary! Wow!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

3 month pictures

I like to see the kids pictures at the same ages, so here is a picture of all of them at roughly 3-3 1/2 months old. Aren't they cute? :) Aurora's is pretty obvious, but can you tell which is Jamie and which is Finn? Aurora is getting pretty good at rolling over and she is (except for yesterday and today) mellowing out a bit and having fun in her swing!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mother's Day

The boys had a lot of fun in their new aligator pool for Mother's Day. They have started hugging each other, which is the cutest thing ever. Aurora has started smiling and cooing at us, and she is just adorable. She doesn't cry as much, but she got so spoiled because I had to hold her and calm her down from her colic that now she crys if I'm not holding her. So I walk around with a baby all day. At least she sleeps all night! It is nice to see her looking around and being interested in things, hopefully soon she'll become interested in toys and I won't have to hold her quite so much. Jamie is talking more and more grown up and it is so funny to hear sentences come out of his little mouth that sound too old for him. When I first get Aurora up in the morning he will come over to her and tell her "Rora, I miss you. My little sweetheart, I miss you so much. I love my baby Rora." It is so cute (except when he says it right in her face and makes her mad!) As you can see running around all day on Mother's Day wore Finn right out! He fell asleep in his highchair at 7pm, it was so cute! He is talking more and more, but so different than Jamie. He says many words, especially that start with a B. Like ball, block, blue (for blues clues), balloon (they all sound very similar), he also says "Da" for daddy, "be" for baby, more and mommy both sound the same, the other day he said shoe (he LOVES shoes and will walk around with one shoe on for the day if that is all he can find, even if it's not his shoe and if I don't help him with it he crys) and dog. The funny thing is that he won't talk if you ask him to, he only says it when he wants to. He mainly labels things, pointing and saying it's name. It is so important to Jamie to be the center of attention that when we asked him to say things, he always did to get the attention, but Finn doesn't care. He just mainly ignores you until you get really annoying and then he shakes his head and says "nnnn" it's funny. Now I have to show him what I am going to feed him and he vetos everything until I come up with something he wants. He used to just eat everything, it was so nice! And Jamie still lives off chocolate milk and frozen go-gurts. I don't know where he gets his energy from!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Easter Pictures

Well, we took the kids to get their Easter Pictures, Jamie's Birthday and pictures of Aurora last Friday. Sometimes it scares me how cute my kids are. Of course, it is purely a survival instinct. Who knows how long they would last if they couldn't bat their ridiciously long eyelashes at me? Aurora was up until 3am again last night, so it must not have been her diaper rash. Or the milk I was drinking, so I will start putting that back in my diet carefully (Yipee!!!) I sure hope I figure it out soon since I tend to be very cranky without my sleep. On the phone today I asked Scott how many kids he expected to come home to today :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We're still here :)

Well, I'm sure everyone is shocked that I haven't been posting everyday, since I haven't been working and all, but we've been a little busy. Last Thursday at 10:50 or so Aurora was crying (imagine that!) and I thought I heard a noise in the backyard over it, so I asked Scott if he heard something too. He grabbed his "Little Flashlight", which is what he calls this huge flashlight that could flag down an airplane and went to check it out. I was trying to calm the baby down, but thought I should follow in case he needed me and he was coming back down the hall with the strangest look on his face. What had happened was that all the rain had soaked the wood in our patio cover and made it so heavy that the nails holding it onto the house had just pulled out of the wood! It crashed down on our glass table out there and broke it and who knows what else, since we can't really tell yet. Luckily the dog was in his doghouse at the time and is ok. But thank God it happened at night when the kids weren't out there. So we can't get out the sliding door for right now and are in the middle of the homeowners insurance and getting quotes from contractors...just what everyone needs with a month old baby, right??? Plus after her two week check up where she was doing great and I was picturing actually getting some sleep soon she came down with a diaper rash and started crying all the time. I've cut all milk out of my diet (which is really terrible, since I LOVE milk!) and changed diapers and diaper creams and use cotton balls to change her and all that stuff. I think it is finally getting better and she seems to be crying less, but I will have to take her to the dr if it doesn't clear up soon. So I am getting no sleep and nothing done since she wants to be held all the time. Plus the boys have figured out that when they are mad at each other they can hit and/or bite the other one! Yipee for me!!! So there is lots of crying contstantly here :) Last night we had Hamburger Helper (yum :(!) and I was feeding Finn spoonfuls while trying to eat myself and hold Aurora when she started screaming for no apparent reason, so I put the bowl down and tried to calm her down. Finn didn't like that so he tried to get it and I blocked him with my arm. The little monkey bit me! And left teethmarks!!!! (When I showed Scott he couldn't stop laughing) He really likes Hamburger Helper, I guess! So that is what is going on here, hopefully the boys will stop trying to kill each other (yeah, right!) and the babies rash will clear up and I can get some sleep!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

She's here!

Aurora Anne Schweitzer is here! She was born on 2/10/09 at 1:32pm

and weighed 7lbs 11oz. She was 19 inches long. She is doing great and Jamie is very excited about his new sister. He keeps telling me he is going to keep her! He has all these plans to share his toys with her and for her to share his bed when she gets older. He is very sweet and gentle with her and would hold her all day if we let him! Finn mostly ignores her, although sometimes he looks at her like she is an interesting pet or something. She is nursing very well, and all I need now is a little sleep!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tuesday it is!

The dr made an appointment to induce the baby on Tuesday morning at 4:00am, so our little one will soon be here (yikes!). Hopefully she (or he) will arrive between 10 and noon on Tuesday. Then I can have my tummy back!!! Yeah!!! Jamie is happy that his baby will be here, but he is concerned about where she is going to sit :) Finn will I'm sure be very upset by the turn of events since he is developing quite a temper. Here he is showing off his 8 sparkily teeth. He has a very cute smile when he decides to use it! Jamie is very good with him and makes a wonderful brother, so I'm sure he will be great with the baby, but Finn doesn't like it when Jamie gets in his face and will hit him or push him, so I'm not sure how he will do with the baby, especially since he is really too young to understand what is going on. I was very worried about how Jamie would cope when Finn was born, but he did really well, but I think Finn will be a bit more of a problem if I'm holding the baby and he wants to be in my lap, since he doesn't like to share my lap with Jamie. I can't wait until I have 3 of them fighting for it! :) I am getting very excited to meet this little person, who already seems more mellow than either of the boys. No hard rib kicks and much less painful movements than either of the boys. And everytime the dr listens to the heart she says "What a happy baby." So I'm hoping that this baby is happy and sleeps well! (I can dream, right?) I'm trying to get ready, with all that I can do waddling around! I'm going to try to clean up the boys room today, so that everything is more organized. But I have a sore throat, so hopefully I don't end up with a cold! That would not be a good thing! But we would all appreciate your prayers as we welcome our new little one into the world next week :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Still Waiting...

We are still waiting for our little arrival. I have a dr's appt tomorrow, so I will ask her how much longer until she will induce me. I was induced with both of the boys, so I figure it's time to get the show on the road :) These pictures are from yesterday, Jamie was "washing" his car and wanted me to take a picture of him, so I figured Scott could take a picture of "the belly". But he was making me laugh with what he was saying hence the look on my face. (Better than the picture of me with a soda can on my tummy from when I was pregant with Finn!) Anyway, we will let everyone know if the Dr decides to schedule a date tomorrow, so everyone can be praying for a short painless labor (which sounds like any oxymoron...) but I'm pretty over being pregant right now :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well, I thought last night was it! Scott and I had just went to bed and all of a sudden I realized that I had 3 contractions that were kind of painful in a small amount of time. So I got up and got my phone so that I could see how far apart they were...well they were 5 mintues apart. Since I was induced with both boys, I wasn't really sure when to go to the hosptial, execpt that the contractions should be 5 minutes apart for an hour. But these started out 5 minutes apart. I was rather confused and worried, since I don't have everything ready yet. The baby's bag for the hospital is packed and I have most of the stuff I need, but it's not all where it should be! So I woke up Scott (who fell asleep mintues after his head hit the pillow!) I told him what was going on and we decided I would call the hosptial and ask them what they thought and call my mom in case she needed to come over so the boys wouldn't wake up with no one here but Scott's Nana, who can't lift Finn out of his crib. Well, the nurse said that they should be lasting about 45-60 each and mine were 25-35 so she advised waiting a bit (unless I was uncomfortable with that). So I laid there timing them for a while, then I called mom and told her to try to go to sleep and I would do the same. So we turned off the light and I laid there for another hour or so and they weren't getting any worse, and finally I was able to go to sleep about 1. When I woke up with Scott's alarm at 5:15 I didn't have any more contractions, so he went to work and I went back to sleep. Then I got up to go to my dr appointment. My blood pressure was a little high, so I hope that doesn't become an issue again, but other than that she said everything was great. I am 2 centimeters dialated and she said the babies heartbeat was happy :) She also said that I should wait until the contractions are about a level 7 pain, where I can't talk through, 5 mintues apart for an hour and a half. So now I know to wait until they really hurt :), yipee! So I would appreciate everyones prayers :) I am (hopefully) get my hair cut tomorrow, and get everything ready for the baby this weekend so that I feel a bit more ready. Finn was sitting on the couch looking cute today and Jamie was on my lap (what is left of it!) and I asked Jamie what we were going to do with Finn and he said "Throw him away." and started laughing. So I said "you're silly, we can't throw him away, we love him!" and he said "sell him?"! So I said "I'm going to sell you you little monkey!" then he said we should "recycle" Finn! I don't know where he comes up with this stuff! He is so good with Finn normally and I was really worried about how he would react when Finn was born for no reason, since he is really caring (much more that Finn would like with all the hugs and kisses!) so I'm not worried about Jamie and the baby, but I think Finn is going to not be happy, since he has developed quite a temper. He gets mad and hits things or people and gets very cranky when he doesn't get his way. So I'm thinking he will be trying to hit the baby a lot. Jamie is very excited to meet the baby, but I have to be careful how I say things, since I asked him if he was excited that the baby would be here soon and he gave me this look like he could not believe I said that and said in a very condesending tone "mommy the baby has already been here" and pointed to my tummy! That kid! So I said "sorry, are you excited that the baby will come out soon?" and he said "yes" in that of course kind of voice. He does keep me on my toes! I put up two pictures of them, since a big picture of my belly might not be too cute! Scott's mom took Jamie to see the rose parade float at Eastland, and this is him sniffing the flowers that he got, and this is Finn on Christmas. I can't believe it, but he doesn't use his pacifier anymore! I was really dreading taking it away from him since he really loved it and I knew I should have when he was younger so that it wouldn't be hard, but I kept picturing sleepless nights and A LOT of crying so I've been too chicken about it. But I was trying to at least keep it more to a bedtime thing, so when he would wake up in the morning without it, I would find it, but wait until close to naptime when he was getting cranky to give it to him. I did that for about a week, when Jamie had a really bad night and I noticed that Finn was sleeping without it, so I just didn't give it to him the next day. I told Scott's mom that he hadn't had it since the night before and she didn't give it to him for his nap either, and then at bedtime I thought I would just try it and if he freaked out I would give it to him, but he didn't! So all of a sudden almost on accident he doesn't need his pacifier anymore :) He was a bit crankier than usual for a couple of days, but he's been without it for a couple of weeks now. I just hope that it will be long enough that he won't try to take the baby's pacifier out of her mouth :) But I can't believe how lucky I was, I was really dreading it and it's all over and it wasn't a big deal at all! I thought I was lucky with Jamie, since as soon as he figured out how to get his hands into his mouth, he didn't want it anymore and that was when he was 2 months old. I know he would have been awful if he had kept it, since he is very opioinated. His favorite thing is to tell Finn how bad he is being and to tell him "No, Finn, that's bad!". I keep telling him he is not Finn's mommy or daddy, so he can't punish him, but that doesn't alway work that well since it is very fun to tell your brother how bad he is being!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Link to pictures

Here is a link to the photobucket pictures

We're still here!

I know it's been almost a month since my last posting, and I missed Christmas and my birthday! I have just been so tired and busy! (I'm sure you can't imagine why) So I am off work now, so I will try to post more regularly, especially once the baby comes, since she(or he) will be changing so fast. Here are two pictures from my birthday, one is from our new Bob's Big Boy where we went to breakfast and the other is of Scott and Jamie on Autotopia at Disneyland. Don't I look comfortable??? :) I told Scott he should take a picture of my belly since it will be gone soon (thank goodness!) I am getting to the "I don't care how much it hurts, just get this baby out of me!" I have her bag all packed (with a couple of boy things, just in case!) and the car seat is soon to have a new cute cover to go over it and I have a lot of things ready to wash as soon as we here whether they were right about if it is a girl or not. I will put up on photobucket a bunch of pictures of Christmas and stuff, so I'll post that as soon as it is done.