Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm back!!!!!

Well, I just got over a headache that I had for 5 days straight so I'm feeling pretty good and I had a minute, so I thought "I know, I'll actually post a blog entry!!!" I tried a week ago or so, but the one day I had the time and energy and no one yelling or whining or crying at me and the internet went down!!! AHHH!!!!! :) So here I am! And here is a picture of Jamie from about 1/2 hour ago. I just cut his hair tonight since it was getting sooo long. Here is a picture of Finn from a couple days ago. He's running around and climbing everything. It is crazy to see him climb up on the couch and turn around and sit down! So cute, especially if he is next to Jamie. They are both getting so big. It is so fun (most of the time!) to have a conversation with Jamie and he actually understands what I'm saying and I can mostly understand what he is saying! He new annoying habit is after I say something he says "huh?" Drives me nuts! I even asked the dr if he had an ear infection, but she said they are fine! Finn makes noises and says mama dada, he can even mimic what you are saying if he's in the mood! Jamies potty training is going very slowly. He just has no motivation, even when we tell him what he can get or give him candy or stickers. I'm not sure what to try, especially since I'm not home during the day. I'll try to put up all the pictures that I have missed posting the last month or so, especially Finn's birthday and our trip to San Diego, where we had a really fun time. I'll post the rest soon!!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

How big they are both getting! They are so cute! I am sorry you are having problems with headaches - no fun. Hang in there!