Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Crazy Life :)

Well, as predicted my posts have gotten fewer :)

Here are some pictures of the boys last weekend at a birthday party. Jamie drinking a juice box, Finn trying corn on the cob and the ride home. (Why do they get to take a nap on the way home, so that they are rested and refreshed when we get there and I am exhausted?)

This whole puppy thing is crazy! He is very sweet, but a handful to watch since he has decided if Jamie can pee on the carpet, so can he. Plus since Finn is almost as small as him, he loves to jump on Finn and play (bite) with him. As you can imagine Finn doesn't like this much and isn't quite fast enough to get away, so he just sits there and crys until someone saves him.

On top of that I seem to have gotten sick from a girl at work! Does it never end! Other than that we have decided to go on vacation at the end of the month and are trying to figure out exactly what to do. It is going to be our 4 year anniversary on June 5! I can't believe it's been that long, and yet it feels like we've been together forever (in a good way :)) It's very exciting to think of the many more years we have to come (God willing!)

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