Wednesday, May 27, 2009

3 month pictures

I like to see the kids pictures at the same ages, so here is a picture of all of them at roughly 3-3 1/2 months old. Aren't they cute? :) Aurora's is pretty obvious, but can you tell which is Jamie and which is Finn? Aurora is getting pretty good at rolling over and she is (except for yesterday and today) mellowing out a bit and having fun in her swing!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mother's Day

The boys had a lot of fun in their new aligator pool for Mother's Day. They have started hugging each other, which is the cutest thing ever. Aurora has started smiling and cooing at us, and she is just adorable. She doesn't cry as much, but she got so spoiled because I had to hold her and calm her down from her colic that now she crys if I'm not holding her. So I walk around with a baby all day. At least she sleeps all night! It is nice to see her looking around and being interested in things, hopefully soon she'll become interested in toys and I won't have to hold her quite so much. Jamie is talking more and more grown up and it is so funny to hear sentences come out of his little mouth that sound too old for him. When I first get Aurora up in the morning he will come over to her and tell her "Rora, I miss you. My little sweetheart, I miss you so much. I love my baby Rora." It is so cute (except when he says it right in her face and makes her mad!) As you can see running around all day on Mother's Day wore Finn right out! He fell asleep in his highchair at 7pm, it was so cute! He is talking more and more, but so different than Jamie. He says many words, especially that start with a B. Like ball, block, blue (for blues clues), balloon (they all sound very similar), he also says "Da" for daddy, "be" for baby, more and mommy both sound the same, the other day he said shoe (he LOVES shoes and will walk around with one shoe on for the day if that is all he can find, even if it's not his shoe and if I don't help him with it he crys) and dog. The funny thing is that he won't talk if you ask him to, he only says it when he wants to. He mainly labels things, pointing and saying it's name. It is so important to Jamie to be the center of attention that when we asked him to say things, he always did to get the attention, but Finn doesn't care. He just mainly ignores you until you get really annoying and then he shakes his head and says "nnnn" it's funny. Now I have to show him what I am going to feed him and he vetos everything until I come up with something he wants. He used to just eat everything, it was so nice! And Jamie still lives off chocolate milk and frozen go-gurts. I don't know where he gets his energy from!