Thursday, February 12, 2009

She's here!

Aurora Anne Schweitzer is here! She was born on 2/10/09 at 1:32pm

and weighed 7lbs 11oz. She was 19 inches long. She is doing great and Jamie is very excited about his new sister. He keeps telling me he is going to keep her! He has all these plans to share his toys with her and for her to share his bed when she gets older. He is very sweet and gentle with her and would hold her all day if we let him! Finn mostly ignores her, although sometimes he looks at her like she is an interesting pet or something. She is nursing very well, and all I need now is a little sleep!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tuesday it is!

The dr made an appointment to induce the baby on Tuesday morning at 4:00am, so our little one will soon be here (yikes!). Hopefully she (or he) will arrive between 10 and noon on Tuesday. Then I can have my tummy back!!! Yeah!!! Jamie is happy that his baby will be here, but he is concerned about where she is going to sit :) Finn will I'm sure be very upset by the turn of events since he is developing quite a temper. Here he is showing off his 8 sparkily teeth. He has a very cute smile when he decides to use it! Jamie is very good with him and makes a wonderful brother, so I'm sure he will be great with the baby, but Finn doesn't like it when Jamie gets in his face and will hit him or push him, so I'm not sure how he will do with the baby, especially since he is really too young to understand what is going on. I was very worried about how Jamie would cope when Finn was born, but he did really well, but I think Finn will be a bit more of a problem if I'm holding the baby and he wants to be in my lap, since he doesn't like to share my lap with Jamie. I can't wait until I have 3 of them fighting for it! :) I am getting very excited to meet this little person, who already seems more mellow than either of the boys. No hard rib kicks and much less painful movements than either of the boys. And everytime the dr listens to the heart she says "What a happy baby." So I'm hoping that this baby is happy and sleeps well! (I can dream, right?) I'm trying to get ready, with all that I can do waddling around! I'm going to try to clean up the boys room today, so that everything is more organized. But I have a sore throat, so hopefully I don't end up with a cold! That would not be a good thing! But we would all appreciate your prayers as we welcome our new little one into the world next week :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Still Waiting...

We are still waiting for our little arrival. I have a dr's appt tomorrow, so I will ask her how much longer until she will induce me. I was induced with both of the boys, so I figure it's time to get the show on the road :) These pictures are from yesterday, Jamie was "washing" his car and wanted me to take a picture of him, so I figured Scott could take a picture of "the belly". But he was making me laugh with what he was saying hence the look on my face. (Better than the picture of me with a soda can on my tummy from when I was pregant with Finn!) Anyway, we will let everyone know if the Dr decides to schedule a date tomorrow, so everyone can be praying for a short painless labor (which sounds like any oxymoron...) but I'm pretty over being pregant right now :)