Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sleeping and other stuff

Well, Jamie has decided that he doesn't want to sleep in his room anymore. Around 2:30 in the morning about a week ago he came in and wanted to sleep with us. I didn't do anything becuase I was so tired and this happened once before and he went back to his room after 1/2 an hour. So in the morning I asked him why he came to bed with us. He said "there were no people in my room and I got nervous."! I said "What about Finn?" Meaning he was a person, he said "Finn was nervous too." Of course this didn't stop him from abandoning Finn to sleep alone for the rest of the night! (And I'm assuming by Finn being nervous, that meant he was sleeping like a log when Jamie woke up since he wasn't crying) So I tried to explain, how there shouldn't be any people in his room at night except Finn. Then he told me he was bored. He is so funny, I'm really worried about when he realizes the full potential of his powers! So I told him he should be bored at 2:30 in the morning, since all he should be doing is sleeping. So now when I put him to bed he tells me he can't sleep becuase there are no "big people" in his room. (At least he realized Finn was a person!) So again I try to explain to him how that is how it should be, blah blah blah! When he comes to bed with us I take him back to his room and give him a cuddle. A couple of night ago he came in at 12:00 and told me he was "lone". So I said he could cuddle for a minute, then he had to go back to bed. He argued, but I put him back. Then at 2:30 he started screaming his head off for me until finally I went in there and he was soaking wet. So I changed him, covered him up and went back to bed. Then an hour later he came in becuase he wanted to cuddle! So I gave him a hug and put him back to bed. In the morning when I told Scott this (since he has the gift to sleep through all of this!) he said "well, at least he had a different reason for each time!) Then that morning Jamie comes into bed with me at 6:30. I wish everyone had as much energy as he does! He just charges right in with all of his morning demands regardless of what time it is! The picture of Jamie is from when we took him to see the movie Bolt a week ago at a sneak preview. He looked so cute while we were saving seats for Scott and his mom when they went to get drinks, that I had to take a picture of him. And the picture of Finn is him doing one of his favorite things and stealing a bottle and drinking it. He throws himself on the ground and rolls into position and drinks hoping Jamie won't figure out what he is doing! It is so cute. I stopped giving him bottles and give him sippy cups now, but I still think he thinks they are all Jamies!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well, I bit the bullet yesterday and gave Finn a real haircut. Near his birthday I trimed it so that it wasn't in his eyes and the back of his neck, but it was getting really long again and I didn't think he would sit still for a whole head haircut with scissors! So I buzzed him with the 1 inch guard on. I was worried that it would stick up all over like it used to since it's so fine, but it actually lays down still. He looks older now that it's shaped to his head. And I figured might as well cut Jamies hair while I was at it. He is fine as long as I put one of Scott's shirts on him since he doesn't like it if hair falls on him. So now they both look handsome in time for Thanksgiving. Which we will be spending at Dad's newly remodeled house, which should be super fun! It is so funny the difference in them! Jamie still wakes me up in the middle of the night (by wetting his bed, or just wanted to cuddle!) a couple nights a week, while unless something is seriously wrong with Finn he usually goes to bed at 7 or 7:30 and gets up at 8:30 or 9! I hope the new baby sleeps as good as Finn or I will be very overtired!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, we dressed up the kids (and me!) and went to our church's trunk or treat. They fill the parking lot with cars and everyone decorates their trunk and passes out candy from them. It's a lot of fun, since you don't have to walk that far and you get to see everyone from church all dressed up. It gets really crowded though, since it is so easy and it feels much safer than going to a bunch of houses you don't know. Jamie as you can see was Peter Pan and Finn was a lion. They were both soooo cute! Scott had the really great idea to pin glow sticks to them and it sure helped out. We could see Jamie even if he was in a crowd of kids in line for candy. Jamie had a great time and got a ton of candy! He was getting two pieces a day, but there was an incident today and now he will not be getting candy for a week. Apparently while I was at work today and Jamie and Finn were watching tv in their room before Finn's nap Jamie went ahead and got a stool and took 8 or 9 cupcakes off the back of the stove from a plate, took them in his room and put them in Finn's crib. He and Finn then proceeded to lick all the frosting and sprinkles off of them. That's how Scott's mom found them. Needless to say everyone had a good bath tonight and there was a lot of sheet washing. They both smelled like cupcakes and their hair was all gooey. What am I going to do with him? :)